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Please find below some useful documents to help you get started in re-enacting if you have any questions or queries then please get in touch with us.
There are also links to our Facebook Page and Members Only Group.


4th Kompanie GD Members Only Facebook Group

4th Kompanie GD for all public enquiries


New Starters Guide


2022 Membership Form

2022 Updated Events List

Privacy Statement 

H&S Safety Guide

Code of Conduct 


© 2022 Theatres of War Living History and Re-enactment Group


All the re-enactors have a genuine interest in the history of the Second World War and are a non- political organisation. They do not promote or tolerate any extreme political views that may have been held by the actual units portrayed and they do not accept members who may hold those or similar views.


You can find our Privacy Notice here.

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